City of Perrysburg

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October is National Pedestrian Safety Month

October 2, 2023

October is National Pedestrian Safety Month, and the Perrysburg Police Division wants to remind both drivers and pedestrians about safe practices and behaviors that can help prevent accidents.  

“Crosswalk safety is a shared responsibility between pedestrians and drivers,” said Perrysburg Director of Public Safety Patrick Jones. “We see many residents here in Perrysburg who enjoy walking their dogs or taking their families to the parks and we want to make sure that they get there safely.” 
Here are some things to keep in mind while using crosswalks: 

  • Use Designated Crosswalks: Always cross the road at designated crosswalks or intersections.   
  • Obey Traffic Signals: Pay attention to traffic signals and pedestrian crossing signs. Wait for the "walk" signal or the green light before crossing, and only cross when it's safe to do so. 
  • Look Left, Right, and Left Again: Before stepping into the crosswalk, look left, right, and left again to ensure no vehicles are approaching. Make eye contact with drivers whenever possible to ensure they see you.
  • Stay Visible: Make yourself visible to drivers. Wear bright or reflective clothing, especially at night or in low-light conditions. Carry a flashlight if you're walking at night.
  • Avoid Distractions: Stay focused while crossing the road. Put away your phone, remove headphones, and avoid distractions that can divert your attention from traffic.
  • Walk, Don't Run: Walk across the crosswalk; do not run. Running can make it harder for drivers to anticipate your movements.
  • Stay on the Sidewalk: If a sidewalk is available, use it. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic.
  • Watch for Turning Vehicles: Be cautious of vehicles making right or left turns. Sometimes, drivers may not see pedestrians in the crosswalk when making turns. 

Drivers should also be vigilant, watch for pedestrians, slow down and yield to them at crosswalks, and avoid distractions like texting or talking on the phone while driving. 

“Another common thing we see is that vehicles will stop at an intersection and won’t leave enough space between their vehicle and the crosswalk,” said Jones. “Pedestrians need a clear and safe path to cross.”  

Aside from crosswalks that are at intersections, Perrysburg also has a few that are in high pedestrian locations near parks or schools and have flashing lights. Drivers are reminded to pay attention while driving through those areas and stop if the lights are flashing.