City of Perrysburg

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Electric Aggregation Program

June 1, 2023

The City has been receiving many questions from residents about Toledo Edison’s supply rate increase this month. The rate will go from 
5.9383 cents/kWh to 12.4065 cents/kWh starting June 1. The City of Perrysburg has an electric aggregation contract with Energy Harbor for a fixed rate of 6.3 cents/kWh through May 2025. If you did not opt out, you should be set at that rate. Just make sure Energy Harbor is listed on your electric bill. 

If you are directly with Toledo Edison and not in a separate 3rd party agreement with someone else (your bill only has charges from Toledo Edison listed on the right side) you can contact Energy Harbor at 866-636-3749, let them know they are a City of Perrysburg resident, and that you want to join the Perrysburg electric aggregation program. It takes approximately 30-45 days for enrollment, based on your meter read date. Toledo Edison will send you a letter making you aware of this change; but you do not need to do anything, this is informational only. Once enrolled, you will see Energy Harbor listed as your supplier at the NOAC rate. 

If you are in a 3rd party agreement and want to join the aggregation program, you must contact the supplier listed on your bill to confirm if there are any early termination or switching fees. To see what supplier you are with, look at the section under the charges from Toledo Edison. If there are no fees or if there are fees and you still want to move forward and join the Perrysburg electric aggregation program, you can then call Energy Harbor and follow the steps above. 

More information can be found here.